
Home | Oracle PL/SQL

Oracle PL/SQL

This course provides an exhaustive coverage of SQL, PL/SQL & Forms.

Duration 65 hrs (Including Project)

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About this course

Oracle certifications are tangible, industry-recognized credentials that can help you succeed in your IT career and provide measurable benefits to your employer. Oracle certifications are a reliable validation of training and experience that can accelerate your professional development, improve your productivity, and enhance your credibility.

  • Introduction to DBMS, RDBMS
  • Normalization, Codd’s Rules, ER Diagrams
  • SQL Environment
  • SQL-DDL ( Data Definition Language )
  • SQL-DML ( Data Manipulation Language )
  • SQL-DCL ( Data Control Language )
  • Data Constraints ( Not Null, Unique )
  • Data Constraints ( Primary Key, Foreign Key )
  • Transaction Processing ( Save Point, Commit)
  • Transaction Processing ( Rollback )
  • Where Clause, Logical Operators
  • Order By, Group By
  • Inbuilt Function ( Like, %, Length, InitCap )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Lpad, Rpad )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Abs, Cos, Round )
  • Inbuilt Function ( Power, Average, Count )
  • Date Function ( Sysdate, Add_Months )
  • Date Function ( Months_Between, Next_Day )
  • Conversion Functions ( To_Char, To_Date )
  • Conversion Functions ( To_Number )
  • Set operations ( Union, Union All )
  • Set operations ( Intersect, Minus )
  • Join View (Introduction, Create )
  • Join View (Selecting Dataset form View )
  • Join View (Destroy View )
  • PL/SQL Language, PL/SQL Modules
  • Cursors, Procedures, Functions
  • Database Triggers,Packages
  • Oracle Architecture


Designers and drafters use it to create two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) computer drawings.
- Vinay Rane

Designers and drafters use it to create two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) computer drawings.
- Sandeep Singh

Designers and drafters use it to create two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) computer drawings.
- sonal Singh

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